When do you experience your most irresistible urge to view pornography? For many of my clients, these moments of desire that feel especially challenging run the gamut from being off of work and having time alone on weekends, to stress or going through a rough patch.
Whatever your specific...
Whether it’s been 20 years or 20 days since you’ve developed the habit of viewing porn, you don’t have to stay stuck here. As my clients work with me and start learning the basics of overcoming pornography, I’ve noticed a pattern of the same things that keep coming up...
There are so many buffers that we use on the daily that has us avoiding our lives. Whether that’s watching pornography, playing video games, or eating ice cream to hide from experiencing our feelings, this form of escape that we’re seeking has us settling for a life...
What were you conditioned to think about sex and pornography? How are those beliefs keeping you tied down in your life right now?
Many of my clients were taught that they’re addicted to porn and that they could never change, or believe it’s something they have to struggle with...
If you’ve been here for a while, you’ve heard me talk a lot about processing urges. When we have these urges to view pornography, what we don’t want to do is push them away or try to willpower through them. We want to process them. Processing your urges will help you...
This week, I’m bringing you a super special episode that you’re going to get so much out of. I’m introducing you to two members of my Overcome Pornography for Good team, Kat and Tina. They’re both amazing coaches with a wealth of knowledge on what it takes for true change...
This week, I’m introducing you to a life-changing concept I learned called the Choose Again method. Of all the wins and celebrations we see inside my program, the root cause of my clients getting on the other side of the pornography habit truly boils down to the fact that they all chose...
Most of you who first come to me are trying to quit the pornography habit from a place of self-loathing and hate. You believe that if you can just learn how to quit, you’ll finally be able to approach yourself with the love and kindness you deserve. But the truth is this never works.
What are the things you’re working towards and dreaming about for your life? Whether it’s related to shifting your porn habit, finding the love of your life, traveling around the world, or anything else, how are you going to guarantee the result you want?
Too many people have...
One of the most transformative concepts that I’ve learned and that I teach my clients is the 50-50 of life. It’s the principle that life is always 50% positive and 50% negative, and that when we can accept this reality, we can truly thrive. And this week, I’m taking it a step...
One thing that I hear often from my clients in doing our work together is the statement, “It’s easier to give in to my urges.” I won’t argue that sitting with an urge isn’t hard or uncomfortable, it most definitely is. But your brain telling you that it’s...
One thing my clients often tell me is that their urges feel especially challenging at certain times of day, days of the week, or even in certain places. Maybe you notice the urge to watch pornography on work trips, when your family goes out of town, or on a work break on a certain day of the...