My guest on the show this week is one of my greatest teachers in this realm of sexuality. I honestly wouldn’t be doing the work I do today if I hadn’t had the opportunity to work with her, so I’m honored to have her here and excited for you to hear everything she has to share...
When it comes to overcoming unwanted porn use, how I often see my clients starting out this journey is with force. They approach this work by trying to intensely change who they are, making themselves comply with guilt and shame, and this simply doesn’t ever work in their favor.
Our sexuality as humans is a completely normal, natural part of development. And yet, something I’m always getting emails and questions about is the sexual shame that so many people experience, and it genuinely breaks my heart.
We have this beautiful part of ourselves that we can...
If there’s one trap that keeps my clients stuck in their attempts to quit viewing pornography, it’s slipping up and staying there. They tell themselves quitting isn’t on the cards for them, that they’re addicted to porn, and that they can’t change.
A key...
For most of us, we’ve grown up with the message that failure in any capacity is to be avoided at all costs. We’re taught that failure is what keeps us from succeeding, so what I’m offering to you this week might be a little brain-scrambling, but stick with me.
In this episode,...
If you currently believe you’ve struggled with porn for too long and that you’ll never be able to overcome it, this episode is your opportunity to find all the evidence you need for why you can quit. This week, I’m introducing you to my client, Quinn Felix, and...
As an entrepreneur, I’ve always cringed at the phrase “realistic expectations” because I believe that anything you truly want is 100% possible. But when you understand my take on realism, being “realistic” about our expectations for the future is critical for...
Lindsay Poelman is back on the show this week, and she’s here to give us the lowdown on betrayal trauma. Lindsay is a coach who specializes in working with spouses healing from pornography, and trauma is often a huge focus that comes up in her practice.
If you’re unsure about what...
The New Year is only a few days away, and I personally love this time of year. There’s this surge of energy that has us setting goals, thinking about brand new beginnings, and recommitting to the kind of life we want, and we really want to harness and use this energy to our benefit.
...This week, I want to paint a picture of someone who is more than simply learning to quit porn. Quitting porn is an amazing and worthwhile goal of course, but I want you to know that it’s so much more than that because you are becoming a new person.
This is our final pillar of the...
This might be surprising if you’re new to this work, but did you know your unwanted porn use isn’t because your sex drive is out of control? Whether it’s viewing porn or any other coping mechanism that isn’t serving you, like overeating or overdrinking, it’s only...
The urge to view porn is something that so many people fear. They live their lives hoping and crossing their fingers that they don’t feel a strong urge, shaming themselves if it does come up, and they think willpower and gritting their teeth is the only way to manage it.
This is...