There are four pillars to consider when it comes to quitting porn, and I’m spending the next four episodes discussing each of them. So this week is the first pillar: shame-free commitment. Many of you have the commitment part down, but you’re missing the shame-free part, which...
In our modern-day lifestyles of over-consuming and overindulging, saying no to what we want feels uncomfortable, and sometimes even wrong. But not satisfying your desire, whether that’s for food, porn, or anything else, could be getting in the way of your true happiness and wellbeing.
We all have on a particular set of lenses that create our perception of life and the world. Much like actual lenses in the glasses that we wear, they tint everything we see. Life always looks a little different in differently colored ones, as well as when we take them off completely.
Right now,...
How many times have you convinced yourself that you can’t quit pornography, or you’ve tried too many times, or this is too difficult? So often, we have thoughts that we automatically believe, and we don’t ever stop to question them. We don’t realize that they are...
This week, we’re diving into a topic that is extremely close to my heart. Missionary work is a huge part of our church where we spend two years from the age of 18 spreading the word of Jesus, and coming home and adjusting to post-mission life is a huge challenge.
My own post-missionary...
We generally have two competing desires fighting for attention in our brain. We have our present desire, which is what we want in the moment, and there’s our future desire, which is what we want in the long term. So when it comes to pornography, maybe your present desire is the urge to...
When my clients first come to me, they believe they need to be perfect right away in everything they do to quit porn. This all-or-nothing mindset is one I see very often in my work, and the truth is it’s not effective.
This week, I’m introducing you to the compound effect. It teaches...
When we feel the urge for anything we wish we didn’t want, like viewing pornography, or eating something we know we shouldn’t if we’re on a diet, it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings we experience. Not only do we feel the discomfort, but we see it...
I’m a little nervous about this week’s episode because what I want to share is controversial. But even if you find yourself immediately disagreeing with me after reading the title of this podcast episode, I want you to stick with me.
You might have been sold the message that...
Shame is a foundational topic that we talk about all the time in my program, but it’s been a while since I’ve dedicated a whole podcast episode to it. Helping my clients wiggle out of shame is the very first thing we work on because when you’re stuck in it, it’s...
Last week, we talked a lot about the lower brain, the reward system that it thrives off of, and how you’re not at the mercy of your urges. And this week, I want to introduce you to the higher brain, and how you can start using it to help you overcome pornography or anything else you might...
In doing the work that I share over here on the podcast, you really have to understand what’s going on in your brain and how to manage your urges. And so, I’m taking the next couple of episodes to go into detail about where desire comes from and why you desire pornography in the...