Episode 22: Commitment Vs Motivation Jun 13, 2021


When quitting porn, we often think we need discipline or commitment, as well as motivation. And a lot of people think these are actually the same things. But the truth is, motivation is not required. And if that sounds counterintuitive, you really need to listen in today.


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Episode 21: Urge Flow Jun 06, 2021


One question that always comes up for my clients around urges is what to do when your urges seem to keep coming back. Learning to process and allow urges is a big portion of the work I do with clients, but this urge flow means that the desire to view pornography is always going to return....

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Episode 20: 50-50 May 31, 2021


Today I want to share with you a principle that has helped me so much in my own life, and also it’s the thing my clients say has helped them the most in overcoming their porn habit. In fact, every time I get a comment on the podcast or an email from a listener who is struggling, I...

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Episode 19: Sexual Shame May 23, 2021


Sometimes when people are new to me, they wonder how I can be sex-positive while also helping people quit their porn habit. So, I think it’s important to dive into this a little bit today because shame around sexuality is the one thing that keeps most people going back to pornography...

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Episode 18: Self-Concept and Addiction May 16, 2021


We’ve talked about describing your porn habit as an addiction before on the podcast. It’s so easy to categorize our behavior as an addiction, but the truth is, when we think we’re addicted, we leave ourselves feeling disempowered and without agency. And today, I think...

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Episode 17: What to Do When You Slip Up May 09, 2021

“I messed up again…” I get messages from clients and listeners all the time saying something along these lines. People are confused about why it happened, and then they have difficulty processing the emotion that they experience after slipping up and viewing porn. If this...

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Episode 16: Deprivation May 02, 2021

How many of you feel deprived when you resist the temptation to view pornography? Of course you do. The hard work of overcoming porn is not just ignoring your urges. All you have done is decide not to look at it. But you still want to look at it. And it’s this feeling of deprivation that...

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Episode 15: For When it's Really Difficult Apr 25, 2021

There is no doubt about it; quitting pornography is an incredibly difficult thing to do. We know that nothing worth having comes easily, and because you’ve used porn to buffer against negative emotions for so long, there is so much discomfort to deal with when deciding to break the habit....

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Episode 14: Iceberg Emotions Apr 18, 2021


I’ll preface this by letting you all know that I am not an iceberg expert. However, I do know that we only see 10% of an iceberg, while the rest of it lives out of sight. And the same is true of your pornography habit. There is always so much more going on that isn’t...

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Episode 13: Physiology Vs Morality Apr 12, 2021

If you’re someone who feels shame when you find yourself wanting to view pornography, this episode is for you. So many of my clients feel guilt and other negative emotions around their sexual urges. So, this week, we’re unpacking what these urges are, what they mean, and most...

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Episode 12: Sin Vs Weakness Apr 04, 2021

So far on the podcast, I’ve taught you a lot of the science behind habit-reformation and how your brain is working. But in this episode, I’m talking about your pornography habit from the perspective that really matters: God’s.

One thing I see with clients and listeners who are...

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Episode 11: What to Look Out For When You Stop Viewing Porn Mar 30, 2021

How do you imagine you’ll feel when you finally quit your porn habit? You might romanticize being on the other side, feeling amazing, committed, and whole… but I’m here to warn you that this isn’t quite how it’s going to go.

Something that might catch you by...

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